Jon Peros
Jon Peros (Kidd Cabbage)
Location: Orange County, CA, USA
Role on Project: Hard carry
Main Song: This Song Got Me Pregnant
Description: Once upon a lawn, there was. And even before that was do, there was even. The time was near and the land was far, gone from storybooks and history alike. And why might you ask yourself what may do? Well, oh hoh hoh, may you even! This is the part the books may even have tell before! Not a single one. Draw back the veil of lies that have been clouding your vision for the last. Only true now. There is no. Once even there were, but against the might not ever. Calm now, between the time when you thought. And think harder. Your thoughts are only mattering now. Time is now thoughts spending forever. And find me on the land in really. Really, really lots. More than you had ever dang-gunned ever did! No excuses. No words. Only, The where did the whence? To whom fast might you find? These are the thoughts that only will answer time.
About the Game: "I hate this F- game. Secret of Mana has just the most awful drumkit on the soudntrack. It ruined the entire game for me."
About the Project: 90% of my Facebook notifications are posts in the Mana project group.
Notable Works: - Dwelling of Duels (as Kidd Cabbage) (link)